Microalbuminuria: how and where to get tested

Table of contents

Microalbuminuria - symptoms and how to test

An albumin excretion rate characterises Microalbuminuria (MA) in consistently high urine, between 20 and 200 micron/min (or 30 to 300 mg/day). Protein excretion above 300–500 mg/day is required for a positive result on a conventional urine dipstick test. Hence these amounts are below the detection limit. Microalbuminuria was reported to have a frequency of 4.6% among the general population. Albumin excretion in the urine was highly correlated with blood pressure and sodium consumption. Suppose your doctor thinks your kidneys are damaged, or you are at risk for kidney damage. In that case, they may suggest a microalbuminuria test. If your kidneys are damaged, it is crucial that you get tested and diagnosed as soon as possible.

Tests that cover Microalbuminuria

Urine test

Microalbuminuria testing locations

Microalbuminuria at-Home and Self Tests