Prenatal Test

Table of contents

Prenatal Test - what is it and how the test is done

Giving birth to a healthy and well-developed baby is every mother's topmost priority. For this purpose, a new mother is kept under strict observation after the confirmation of her pregnancy by her doctor. 

Every expecting mother must visit her doctor on the specified dates and undergo all the required tests and examinations to ensure that the health of both the baby and the mother are in perfect condition. 

These tests are called 'prenatal tests' as they are done before the baby's birth. These tests include: 

  • Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) levels 
  • Chorionic Villus Sampling 
  • Amniocentesis 

These prenatal screening tests need to take place as, most of the time, they can help diagnose any abnormality the baby might face beforehand. However, if the baby is healthy, there is almost no need to worry about anything! These tests help with counselling the mother on the next steps to follow.

For further reading about Prenatal Test, please check NHS

Written by Dr. Andleeb Asghar | Last updated on 17/08/2022

Common conditions covered by a Prenatal Test

Chlamydia Gonorrhoea Birth defects Genetic disorders Down syndrome Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18) Patau syndrome (trisomy 13) Neural tube defects Spina bifida

Where to get a Prenatal Test

Prenatal Test at-Home and Self Tests