Severe Insulin-Deficient Diabetes (SIDD): how and where to get tested

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Severe Insulin-Deficient Diabetes (SIDD) - symptoms and how to test

A subtype of diabetes known as Severe Insulin Deficiency Diabetes (SIDD) is often diagnosed early. It shows that the inability of such an individual's beta cells to produce sufficient insulin is responsible for the deficiency. The Body Mass Index (BMI) of such individuals is very low. Unlike in Severe Autoimmune Diabetes (SAID), individuals in this condition do not possess glutamate decarboxylase antibodies (GADA). However, why the beta cells of these individuals are unable to function properly can not be explained.

Tests that cover Severe Insulin-Deficient Diabetes (SIDD)

Diabetes Test

Severe Insulin-Deficient Diabetes (SIDD) testing locations

Severe Insulin-Deficient Diabetes (SIDD) at-Home and Self Tests