Thyroid lesions: how and where to get tested

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Thyroid lesions - symptoms and how to test

Thyroid lesions are solid or fluid-filled lumps that develop in the thyroid, a tiny gland at the base of the neck slightly above the breastbone. Most thyroid lesions are harmless and symptom-free. Thyroid lesions can develop in people of any age. On the other hand, they occur at a rate around four times higher in those who are destined to be female at birth than in those who are destined to be male. Thyroid lesion surgery is commonly performed. This procedure helps establish whether a thyroid lesion is solid or fluid-filled. As a bonus, it may also be used to check for the presence and size of thyroid lesions and the spread of thyroid cancer to adjacent lymph nodes.

Tests that cover Thyroid lesions

Cytology Test

Thyroid lesions testing locations

Thyroid lesions at-Home and Self Tests