Vitamin Test

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Vitamin Test - what is it and how the test is done

Everyone knows how important a healthy and balanced diet is for us. This ensures that our body gets all the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that it requires daily for functioning properly. However, some people develop a deficiency of many of these vitamins and minerals without realising it. The reason is most commonly due to a lack of these vitamins, especially vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K in the diet, which people do not realise until it is too late. The result occurs in the form of people developing a wide range of symptoms ranging from: - Weakness - Pale skin - Dizziness - Numbness - Tingling in the hands and feet, and a lot more. These symptoms vary from vitamin to vitamin and for this very reason, it is essential to rule out which vitamin it is that your body lacks so that supplements and other treatments could be given to cover up for that particular deficiency. A Vitamin Deficiency Test comprises a blood or saliva sample to be taken from you and sent for analysis. The results reveal the amount of the specified vitamin in your body and depending upon how low it is, you are advised for supplements or medical treatment, whatever sounds right for you.

For further reading about Nutrition Test, please check NHS

Written by Dr. Andleeb Asghar | Last updated on 08/09/2022

Common conditions covered by a Vitamin Deficiency Test

Anaemia Vitamin deficiency Constipation Diarrhea Appetite loss Muscle fatigue Tachycardia

Where to get a Nutrition Test

Vitamin Test at-Home and Self Tests