STD Test at-Home and self-testing

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STD At-Home Test

In many cases, you can do a test for sexually transmitted diseases at home: take your urine yourself, take an internal swab, or use a health professional for blood sampling.

STD Test near me

Sexually transmitted diseases that require tests with urinalysis or with a swab sample can be done in do-it-yourself mode. The samples must then be taken to the specialised facility for analysis and outcome.

Common conditions covered by an STI Test

Human papillomavirus (HPV) Herpes Syphilis Hepatitis Trichomoniasis Gonorrhoea Chlamydia

What are the tests for STDs

Tests for STDs, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, represent a set of tests used to identify in the organism protozoa, viruses and bacteria responsible for diseases and infections that are transmitted...

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